GreenMax is FD Gazellen International 2024!

GreenMax FD Gazellen 2024 Internationaal

We are proud to announce that GreenMax has been named FD Gazellen International 2024! This title is given to companies that successfully grow beyond their national borders.

Global Greening

We are grateful to our distributors who work every day to green our living environment – worldwide – and for your trust in GreenMax. And of course, we are proud of the team that contributes to this wonderful milestone. This growth is a collective achievement.

Future-proof, Green Living Environment

We look forward to taking further steps together, increasing our impact, and creating a future-proof, green living environment both within and outside national borders.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to this!

About the FD Gazellen Awards

The FD Gazellen Awards are one of the most prestigious entrepreneurial awards for fast-growing companies in the Netherlands. Only companies that grow above average are qualified: not only in turnover but also in personnel and profit. The FD Gazellen International Awards are presented to companies with international success.

FD Gazellen Internationaal 2024